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Graduate Rich, Not Broke.

Millionaire University

 A better approach to education and wealth creation. 

We've Helped Hundreds of Entrepreneurs Successfully Grow Their Businesses and We Can Help You Too!  Get Your FREE BUSINESS COURSE today!

Wealth Creation Taught By Successful Business Owners

Old Model

  • Go To School For 4-12 Years.

  • Have Someone Else Decide What You Learn and When You Learn It. 

  • Take Classes You Have Little To-No Interest In. 

  • Learn Less With Very Little Hands-On Experience.

  • Learn From Teachers Who Have Never Had A Business Or Are Not Currently Running One.

  • Graduate With Debt.

  • Don't Start Building Your Business Until AFTER You Graduate.

  • Work The Rest Of Your Life At A Job You Didn't Even Want.

  • Income Is Capped At A Job You Don't Love.

Bored student at college.

New Model

  • Learn By Doing.

  • Make Money As You Learn.

  • Taught By Successful Entrepreneurs.

  • Learn The Things You Are The Most Interested In, That Will Help You Grow Your Wealth And Business.

  • Make More Money In Your First Year Than Most Make After Years Of College.

  • Be A Part Of A Like-Minded Community That Will Support You Along Your Journey. 

  • Graduate Rich Not Broke.

  • Live A Life You Love.

  • Give Back, Help Others, Change The World.

Happy business owners who run a successful business.
Successful business owner man with his family.

I came across Justin and Tara several years ago.  At the time I really wanted to have my own business and live life on my terms.  Tara and Justin gave me the knowledge and confidence to make my dream come true and I went for it.  It hasn't always been easy but I'm making way more than I could have working for someone else and I am building something for me and my family and that is the best feeling in the world!

- Kale Darling

We Believe Anyone Can Start A Business

At Millionaire University...

Happy confident business owner, entrepreneur.

But It's Not That Hard Either

Starting a Business Isn't Easy...

  • You Don't Have To Have A Big, New, Crazy Idea.

  • You Don't Need A Business Degree or Background Of Any Kind.

  • At Millionaire University, We Follow A Proven Process That Has Been Used To create Successful Businesses Time And Time Again. 

  • Click On The Link Below To Get Your Free Business Course And 300+ Business Ideas Today!

Over 300 ideas for starting a new business.
Financially free family enjoying time at beach.

Millionaire University Is For Those Who...

Want To Live Life On Their Terms

  • For Those Who Want to Start A Business.

  • Currently Have A Business and Want To Grow.

  • Have A Skill That They Want To Turn Into A Business.

  • Want To Learn From Other Successful Business Owners

  • Want to Connect With Other Like Minded Entrepreneurs. 

  • For Those Believe There's A Better Way To Learn How To Create Their Own Wealth!

31 hacks for running a successful business and overcoming road blocks.
Successful busines owners of exercise company working on their business.

Millionaire University is...

Your School For Wealth Creation

  • Taught By Successful Business Owners. 

  • Where You'll Understand The 7 Phases of A Business, So You Know Where You Are Now And Where You Need to Go Next. 

  • Learn The 7 Ways Most Companies Grow Their Business.

  • Discover The Secrets That Successful Millionaire's Follow To Grow and Automate Their Businesses. 

  • If You're Going To Get Up Everyday And Put In the Work, Why Not Create Something For You And Your Family?  Something That You're Passionate About...Something That Makes You Feel Fulfilled And Alive!

The 7 main ways to market your business today.
Brady Price, successful business owner who is now living in his family's dream location, Costa Rica.

I've been following Justin and Tara for a while now and a few years ago he gave me some advice that changed my life forever. Last year we made a high six-figure income and thanks to additional coaching from Justin, we should easily hit 7 figures this year.  We were also able to live in Costa Rica which has always been a dream of ours.

- Brady Price

Chris and Arienne Lemire on vacation thanks to owning a business that provides freedom
I first became a speech-language pathologist and my husband was a software developer. As we started our marriage I thought, “This is great. It's what our parents wanted us to do, right?”
But after a year into our new life we realized our careers weren't going to take us far financially.
We  felt so trapped, but then we met Justin and Tara and realized how small we’d been thinking.
 And all of that changed! We now have a 7 figure business, but what’s more important is that we have the time and money to be able to spend as much time with our families as we want.

- Arienne Lemire

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